Friday, March 31, 2023

Badminton, back to Basics 美丽的羽球回忆

Get back the feeling of playing badminton.  .  .
Go back to the origin and learn again step by step, There is no goal set, I only care about sweating more, exercising more, and connecting with relatives more.  .  .
Recalling my primary school days, my grandfather used to drive me to the Taiping Hua Lian Alumni Association in the morning, and handed me over to Mr Foo, the badminton coach, also my teacher for Bahasa Melayu, to learn how to play badminton from him. Mr Foo tried his best to teach us, from the basic grip, footwork, net  ,from the front ball to the smash, he guides us so hard. He is really a Good badminton coach. I hope Mr. Foo is stay safe and healthy now.  .  
At that time, my grandfather would often take me to have breakfast together, and then I went to practice. I felt that my grandfather hoped that I would achieve something in badminton, but he was disappointed. However, I had to take him to breakfast every time I went back to my hometown, eating and chatting, n  went around Taiping Lake Gardens before going home.  .  .
In life, people come and go, good people, noble people will leave you with good memories, unforgettable for a lifetime... your faces, your names, will be engraved in my heart.  .  .  always n forever !  

回想起小学时期,外公早上常用车载我到太平华联校友会,把我交给Mr Foo, 附老师, 也是我的国文老师,向他学习打羽球,附老师很尽力的教我们,从基本的握拍,脚步,网前球到杀球,他都那么的用心指导我们,真是一个难得的羽球教练,希望附老师现在一切安好健康。。那时候,外公常会带我一起吃早餐,过后我才去训练,觉得外公希望我在羽球方面会有所成就,但令他失望了,后来也只能每次回家乡,我都载他去吃早餐,边吃边聊,兜一圈太平湖了才回家。。。
生命中,人来人往,好人,贵人都会给你留下美好的回忆,毕生难忘,你们的画面,你们的面容, 你们的名字,都会刻在我心底。。。永远永远!