Friday, August 27, 2021

Grateful 感恩

心存无比感激 因为自己还有早餐可吃

很多人疫情之下 过着坎坷的困苦生活

前面的路可能会更坎坷无助 无奈 辛苦
但再辛苦 也不能放弃 必须好好的挨过



My wife 2nd dose vaccine

Thanks for the nurse and frontliners 
help my wife to get 2nd dose of vaccine done yesterday...
Vaccine centre also no more crowded 
This is good sign showing most of people at Klang Valley have took their jabs of vaccine 


Oximeter 血氧计

Oximeter,  another device to use to measure oxygen level in blood, the ordinary person must have reading equal or more than 95%,
If a person infected with covid 19, the oxygen level will drop to below 95%, this device is important to alert us always during in this pandemic, stay safe and stay healthy  ...

Hypoxemia is defined as “a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.” As blood oxygen levels begin to reduce, a person may experience shortness of breath, also called dyspnea. If blood oxygen levels continue to fall, the organs may shut down, and the issue becomes life threatening.

COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory illness, and a severe case can reduce the amount of oxygen that the lungs can absorb. Blood oxygen levels have been found to be very low in some COVID-19 patients.


必须避免“快乐缺氧”(Happy Hypoxia)又称沉默低氧血症(Silent Hypoxia)是最近在新冠肺炎患者身上所察觉到的一种奇怪现象。这种低氧血症完全没有症状。


Monday, August 2, 2021

Wife First Dose vaccine

Thank God, finally my wife took 1st dose of vaccine 

真是无三不成事,周六,礼拜都去了walk in, 今天终于walk in 成功接种疫苗了,希望少side effects, 疫情快快消失,大家都能回到过去,安乐过日子

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Netherlands 之美

我向往的地方 一个很舒适的环境
有脚踏车文化 风车 木鞋 起司
还有kissing couple 
冷冷微风 优雅环境 脚车文化 入住心中
是一个很不错的地方 好地方