Tuesday, April 16, 2024

my Sony WEGA 29inch flat screen picture tube TV, 再见啦。。

Every object, everything has its lifespan.
The flat screen picture tube TV was really what every household wanted in the 80s and 90s. I won the first prize in the lucky draw from my old company in 2004. It was delivered to my home by a big lorry. This TV brought me a lot of joy.
That time was the transition of discontinued of picture tube TV and the beginning of era of LCD and LED TV.

But after being baptized by another era of LCD n LED TV, it seems to have no use, but the appearance, operation and quality are still well preserved. In the case of various reasons n hard for me to give away, I specially donate it to a charity organization, a new owner to extend its lifespan so that it can continue to serve people until the end of its lifespan, instead of being hastily discarded for the sake of convenience by me...

Like us humans who are in good health, even if we are sick on outer or inner, we must survive with all our heart until the last moment of our lifespan, and don't get off the bus or give up halfway because life is beautiful. 

这显像管的 flat screen TV 在80,90年代可真是家家户户都想拥有的,在2004年的旧公司幸运抽奖得到头奖,当时还用大罗里送来我家,此TV为我带来不少欢乐。当时正值显像管电视停产,液晶电视和LED电视时代开始的过渡时期。

但随着被另一个时代LCD n LED TV的洗礼后,这显像管TV它看似已无作为了,但外观,操作,品质依然保存得很好,在种种原因不舍情况下,我特地送给慈善组织,这新主人,以延续TV它的寿命,可以继续的服务人们,自到寿命终结为止,而我不是贪方便草草了事将之而丢弃。。

像我们身体好好的人类,即使若身心有所病痛,都要用心存活到生命的最后终点一刻,别在中途下车,放弃, 因为生活是美好的。