Monday, August 28, 2023

Kunlavut 的战术


昨夜看的世界羽球锦标赛,尤其是男单,Kunlavut 给的,不是一开始就进攻使敌人不知所措,而是带对手游他设的"泰国花园"陷阱,转转兜兜,看到机会了,才出手进攻,以特有的耐心,与对手拼耐力,一分一分的拿,让对手防不胜防,体力透支了,loose focus 而出错,束手就擒。
二十二岁的Kunlavut, 具幽默的个性,

Every Athlete Has Tactics:

In the World Badminton Championships I watched last night, especially the men’s singles, what Kunlavut gave was not to attack at the beginning to make the opponent at a loss, but to play with the opponent by trap him to have tour in the "Thai garden" that Kunlavut set up, turning around and seeing the opportunity before making a move of Attack, with unique patience, fight against the opponent's stamina, he collected one point by one point, he let the opponent be defenseless, exhausted, losing focus and make mistakes, and catch him in the end.
Twenty-two-year-old Kunlavut, with a humorous personality, will have a long journeys in athlete life, and we expect him to create his brilliance on the badminton court step by step, and expect him to reach the pinnacle soon!