Saturday, March 16, 2024

Bicycle - the benefits

Bicycle - a tool with many benefits.
It can be used for transportation from A to B. It is environmentally friendly, reduces carbon emissions, and emits almost zero carbon emissions. Cycling is also a good exercise.

When traveling in Amsterdam, Netherlands, I saw local people using bicycles to get around. The local weather is cool, and cold weather is more suitable for locals to ride bicycles.

The bicycle also inspired Einstein to have the following ideas:

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."

This thing, a multi-purpose tool, is suitable for widespread application and promotion by everyone...

脚踏车 - 是个很多好处的工具。
可代步,从A 到 B, 环保,减碳,几乎0排碳,踏脚车更是个很好的运动。

在Amsterdam, Netherlands 旅行时,看到当地人,都是在用脚车代步,踏脚车,当地天气凉爽,冷天气更适合当地人踏脚车。


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” 
