Monday, May 13, 2024

Said No to Rework ...

Said No to Rework  ...

Once upon a time, I drove a Myvi and after it was repaired in the factory for 1st time, the repaired part and the surrounding parts also began to have problems. What was even more terrifying was that the repairman said that it was fixed. On the way back, the engine made a loud noise all the way, which scared me. I went back and asked them to repair it again. After that, it was only this time, and it was also the last time I patronized this car repair center. .

Recently, the valve of the tap water flow meter at home was broken. I asked the repairman to replace the new valve. I thought it was fixed, but at 1am this morning, the security guard rang the doorbell at home and said that the tap water flow meter was cracked and leaking. We contacted the water authority to replace the new flow meter. This made me wonder if the previous repairman accidentally knocked the flow meter when replacing the valve, causing it to crack and leak?

I think the repairman must have certain knowledge and upper level skills to avoid the need for rework after the repair. Originally, they only repaired A, but later not only A was not repaired, but also B and C had problems. That would cost money, and the owner of the maintenance center would make more and more money short-termly, owners would lose money n in long-term customers would leave and look for other companies, and finally the owner would need to close down..

别维修了,再需维修 。。


近期家的自来水流量计的阀门坏了,让维修人员来换新的阀门,以为这就好了,却在今早1am, 保安按家门铃说自来水流量计裂缝漏水了,又联络水务局来家换新的流量计,这让我联想,是不是之前的维修员在换阀门时,不小心弄到流量计而使之裂缝漏水?

觉得维修人员必须具备一定的知识,技能,尽量避免在维修了,又需要再rework, 本来只是维修a, 过后不但a没修好,连隔壁b和c 都出事,那不是要荷包不断出钱,维修中心老板不是越赚越肥,短期老板猪笼入水,长期客户就远走高飞,另寻别家,最后老板关门大吉。。