Saturday, March 8, 2025



坐上滑翔翼/机(Glider),从一开始到结束,都惊险刺激万分,尤其是在空中时,心情更是忐忑不安,激情到呐喊出心中的刺激和喜悦,呼吸冷空气,从高空观看海洋上的建筑物。。人,因看到鸟类会飞,了解了aerodynamics 的原理,且懂得如何对抗引力,得以离开地球🌍表面,就有了后来的滑翔翼/机,飞机✈,带大家到处去走走,飞飞,看看。。

Parasailing 滑翔伞, 从踏上小船,心情有些许忐忑,穿上滑翔配备,缓缓的升空时,心情是喜悦和平静的,因为比起降落伞从飞机跳出的到自由落体,滑翔伞只有十分之一的风险,因为有粗绳拉着,若真的断了,有穿救生衣的我会被风吹向大海,风险还是可以掌握的。。


Challenge your own limits

Sitting on a glider, from the beginning to the end is thrilling, especially when in the air, I feel even more nervous, so excited that I shout out the excitement and joy in my heart, breathe the cold air, and watch the buildings on the ocean from a high altitude..

People, because they see birds can fly, understand the principles of aerodynamics, and know how to fight againt gravity, they can leave the surface of the earth🌍, and then there are gliders/planes, airplanes✈, taking everyone to walk around, fly, and look see look see..

Parasailing, from stepping on the boat, I feel a little nervous, and when I put on the gliding equipment and slowly rise into the air, I feel happy and calm, because compared with jumping out of the plane with a parachute to free fall, parasailing has only one-tenth of the risk, because there is a thick rope to pull, if it really breaks, I will be blown to the sea by the wind with a life jacket, and the risk is still controllable. .

Both of these things allow you to fly high in the sky, and each has its own wonderful and exciting process. Keep this time and cherish the excitement and joy in the process...